My current OS

This is my current everyday drive:

Manjaro OS, Gnome DE, Unity layout (built in Manjaro/Gnome)

Manjaro has customized Gnome very nicely, so my customization is minor: Graphite-gtk theme, and some extensions for Gnome shell, such as system-monitor and notes. Beside this, I have changed default browser to Vivaldi (hoorray!), and pdf-viewer to qpdfview. And then, of course, quite a list of software needed for my work. But more about this later.

I am using Linux for my everyday work (teaching and research) for more than 10 years. I started by Ubuntu 12.10, and stayed with it for many years. Then it was Linux Mint Mate (I still love this DE). Then I went in Arch direction: Manjaro (an year ago) and Endeavour OS (as close to Arch as I ever got). On this parkour I have tried for a short time even rpm-based Mageia (mostly because its French!). Yet Manjaro wins over, at least for the moment.


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